Montreal, Quebec, is a city filled with history, art, and architecture. Here are some snaps of a few sites from our December trip to Montreal.
Marche Bonsecours (Bonsecours Market), 1847. Was a public market for 100 years, now a shopping center.Bank of Montreal Head Office, 1847Pretty building in Old MontrealLe Stade Olympique for the 1976 Olympics. The tower was closed for renovations.Hôtel de ville (Montreal City Hall), 1878We were amused to find ice skating rinks without even the pretense of trying to shelter from the Canada cold. I mean – right on the water?Totem Urbain, Pierre Granche, 1992.Piece of the Berlin Wall. Given the number of these we’ve seen around the world, I’m starting to wonder if the Berlin Wall was a gazillion miles long.La Leçon (The Lesson), Cédric Loth, 2012. The laptop screen says “Steve Jobs est mort” (Steve Jobs is dead).Hotel Place d’Armes, 1870.Molson Bank Building, 1866. The Molson Bank was founded by two sons of the famous brewer John Molson, a close enough beer connection for Doug.Montreal Convention Centre, 1983.Les chuchoteuses (The Gossipers), Rose-Aimée Bélanger, 2002.Habitat 67, an experiment in modular living, built for Expo 67, the theme of which was “Man and His World.”