You can read the backstory on the Met Cloisters here. That post focused on the architectural elements of the museum; this post focuses on a sampling of the treasures found within.
The cover photo is of the tapestry Christ Is Born as Man’s Redeemer, Netherlands, c 1500–1520.
Beaker with Apes, Netherlands, c 1425-1450Monstrance, Spain, early 16th centuryChalice, Italy, c 1341-1342Devotional Diptych, Germany, c 1300-1325Triptych with the Passion of Christ, German, c 1475-1485Pax, German, c 1515-1520Reliquary Cross, France, c 1180Jug, Italy, c 1480-1500
Tomb of Ermengol VII, Count of Urgell, Catalonia, c 1300-1350
Detail on the Tomb of Ermengol VII
Reliquary Shrine, France, c 1325-1350
Book of Flower Studies, France, c 1510-1515Three of Five Heroes: Roland, Alexander the Great & Godfroy de Bouillon, France, c 1541
Sweetmeat Fork, Germany, late 15th century
Chalice, Paten and Straw, Germany, c 1230-1250
Saltcellar, France, 16th century
Credenza Italy, c 1440-1450, with Spanish dishes left to right: with Lion, c 1500; with IHS (Monogram of Jesus) and Floral Pattern, c 1430-1460; with Unidentified Coat of Arms, c 1470-1490; with Eagle, c 1450-1470
Lion Relief, Spain, c 1200
Panels with Scenes from the Life and Passion of Christ, France, early 16th centuryAltarpiece with Christ, Saint John the Baptist, and Saint Margaret, Italy, 1434