18 October 2024

Denver Botanic Gardens – Part I

Gentle Reader, did I go to the Denver Botanic Gardens and take nearly 400 pictures in less than 2 hours? You betcha. Let me see if I can find some regret anywhere…nope.

The gardens (in Denver, Colorado, of course) were delightful, and I’m sure I didn’t see everything and will need to go back someday. Over 23 acres there are many themed gardens and it was impossible to keep track of where I’d been already. I tried to be thorough, but when I finally came up for air and tried to figure out where I’d mislaid Doug, I learned he was in the art gallery. There’s an art gallery?

The “York Street location” is the formal garden; they also have a “Chatfield” location that features a historic farm and homestead, along with natural meadows. We went where the flowers were, naturally.

The gardens, along with two nearby parks, sit atop what was formerly Prospect Hill Cemetery – and as recently as 2010 graves were unearthed during irrigation system renovations! Eek! I guess it makes for good fertilizer?

Colorado by Dale Chihuly, 2014. “This large glass sculpture resembles a large yucca in shape, with dense, spiky glass elements emanating from a central armature. Created specifically for Denver Botanic Gardens, its vibrant orange and yellow colors were inspired by the beauty of Colorado sunsets” (per the website).

Yes, I had to make two posts for the gardens. Here’s the other one, if you also have no self-control.

Macro Photos?!

One interesting thing that happened is that a stranger and I were taking a picture of the same flower and he just casually asked me I ever take macro photos, then showed me some pictures he’d taken and I was like – wow, I’d never thought of taking pictures of flowers like that before. I was pretty pleased with the few pictures I did take, so now I’ve got a new avenue to explore.

From the Lily Pond

When Lots of Little Flowers Form a Big Flower

Some “Nature is Amazing” Flowers

2 thoughts on “Denver Botanic Gardens – Part I

  1. WOW!!! I love your flower pictures! So crisp and clear, just beautiful! I liked the new macro ones, too, especially the third one on the right. Very interesting!

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