18 October 2024

Bricktown: Alien Attack!

Doug loves his LEGOs so of course we went to the LEGO exhibit in Roswell, New Mexico, where life is all-things-alien-all-the-time.

In spite of the attraction being called “Alien Attack”, it turns out that most of the displays were not alien-related. There were large themed displays for Christmas, trains, a carnival, world wonders, pirates, and more. I personally felt aliens hidden amongst all of these would not have gone amiss, but they were still fun to look at nonetheless.

A very 3D LEGO rendition of van Gogh’s Starry Night.
You see an alien with his burger, but everyone in line seems completely unfazed by this.

A very large exhibit featured a lovely town with aliens running amuck. The townspeople didn’t seem especially upset, but the aliens were definitely causing disruption. It was fun to look for all the crazy details everywhere.

We did a scavenger hunt while there, choosing the hardest level –– and it was HARD! We found about 50% of the items on the list, and were told we had done better than most people. It did cause us to look even closer at the exhibits and see even more details.

I like the stained-glass window on this church.
I liked the scattered LEGOs around the crashed alien ship in the farmer’s field.
You see the alien has crashed his car into the sculpture!
The carnival scene was pretty epic! No aliens, though.
What happened to that RV in the front? A UFO slicing through our vehicle was not previously on my list of things to worry about!
These aliens look a little more sinister, if you ask me.

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