23 February 2025

Scenes from Vermont

We spent two weeks this winter in Vermont cat- and house-sitting for our friend Lauryn. It was a bit cold and snowed repeatedly, but the farm was very peaceful, the farmhouse was cozy, and our charge, Doki the Wonder Cat, was a delight.

Staghorn sumac. The red really pops against the snow!
Doki giving a lesson in “How to Trap a Human in Bed.”
I just love snow on a conifer.

We did some winter birding, and saw a barred owl on our first hike on the property, but of course I didn’t have my camera with me to document the sighting! We later tried to track him down but had no luck.

This neighbor’s horse had a fluffy winter coat!
Black-capped chickadee.
Like many cats, Doki is a professional snoozer and expert biscuit-maker.
This “Friends” themed cookie decorating kit was marked “skill level 2: perfect for little hands,” which is honestly inconceivable. It was an impulse buy that had my laughing out loud at how hard it was for me (that <<bleeping>> “k” in “Central Perk”!!). The characters came ready-to-go, which is why they look so good. You’re looking at four hours of my life right there.
The trails on the property were filled with little hidden treasures!
Eastern bluebird.
American robin taking a break from eating berries.
Tufted titmouse.
Black-capped chickadee.
Downy woodpecker.
Hairy woodpecker.
Another wintry scene.
Lauryn’s farm.

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