We did a quick dash into Georgia for Doug to attend a work event in Atlanta, and turned right around and headed North — it was August in a van, after all! These are a few places where we made quick stops along the way.
This is the School Bus Graveyard in Alto. Basically it’s an auto junkyard where they used the buses to form a fence around the property. At some point, someone got the idea to turn them into works of art. Starting in 2012, the buses get repainted yearly, so repeat visits offer a different experience.
Next up was a visit to SamG Land in Hollywood, which really almost defies description. Artist Sam Granger, who came out to escort us around (probably ’cause we looked like trouble), has scattered his yard with his folk art creations made from found materials. It all began in 2007 when Sam was 37, when he painted his first picture; fast forward to today, and he’s got three acres of “Peace, Love and Bullshit.” The cover photo to this post is from this stop, as are the next two pictures.