Scenes from the Garden State
While on an extended visit to New Jersey, we made several excursions that took us all over the place. Here are some random snaps, along with some books and movies related to the state. The …
The adventures of Jen and Doug and a black cat named Mr. Knightley.
While on an extended visit to New Jersey, we made several excursions that took us all over the place. Here are some random snaps, along with some books and movies related to the state. The …
We went to Princeton to go on a guided birding walk that was a bit of a dud, and then spent some time walking around town taking in the sites. We have both been to …
We’ve both been to Amish country in Lancaster, Pennsylvania several times, but this time we went to the Amish Farm and House for a tour. The farmhouse dates to 1805, when Isaac and Mary Evans …
We spent some time over two days knocking off some more items on our Philadelphia list. Even thought its slogan is “the City of Brotherly Love,” the quote below about Philly made me laugh, it’s …
National Veterans Memorial and Museum The National Veterans Memorial and Museum came on our radar because Architectural Digest called it the best-designed building in Ohio. It’s a circular museum that leads you on a path …
Why drive from point A to B when you can make lots of little detours to “just do this thing” and “just do that thing”, making an hour and a half drive last for hours …
Behold the Buckeye! When William Henry Harrison successfully ran for president, his campaign created souvenirs carved out of Ohio’s state tree, the buckeye. Since that time, Ohio residents have been called “buckeyes,” though it seems …
We ventured outside the Indianapolis city limits to explore a few sites, as we like to do. Celery Bog Nature Area Let’s just jump in with the most exciting thing that happened to us on …
Doug has worked for a company that is headquartered in Troy, Michigan (a suburb of Detroit) for many years, during which time he has made countless trips to the area. He also made some great …