Since April 2, 2023, when we officially embarked on our journey, we have visited the following states (and the District of Columbia), mostly (but not exclusively) in our home on wheels. Click a state to see any posts from that we have published about our adventures in that state.
- New Jersey
- Pennsylvania
- New York
- Connecticut
- Massachusetts
- Maryland
- Delaware
- West Virginia
- Virginia
- Vermont
- North Carolina
- South Carolina
- Georgia
- Tennessee
- Florida
- Alabama
- Mississippi
- Louisiana
- Arkansas
- Kentucky
- Indiana
- Missouri
- Kansas
- Ohio
- Illinois
- Wisconsin
- Minnesota
- South Dakota
- Nebraska
- Wyoming
- Colorado
- New Mexico
- Texas
- Oklahoma
- Iowa
- Alaska
- Washington
- Michigan
- New Hampshire
And don’t forget the District of Columbia! And we also went to Montreal in Quebec, Canada on a winter break.
Also see our visits to the state capitol buildings in the U.S. as attempt to make our way to all of them.
We will update this page as our travels continue.
As of 20 February 2025.