The Winterthur Museum More to Explore Tour
After our previous tour of Winterthur, which is a self-guided stroll through just a handful of rooms on the first floor, we decided to go back for the “More to Explore Tour.” We’re here to …
The adventures of Jen and Doug and a black cat named Mr. Knightley.
After our previous tour of Winterthur, which is a self-guided stroll through just a handful of rooms on the first floor, we decided to go back for the “More to Explore Tour.” We’re here to …
When Doug and I toured Winterthur last year, we both agreed we’d like to do a more extensive tour. I suggested to Doug that we do it on our way back to NJ for the …
It’s safe to say that after the Hamilton musical Doug and I were both smitten with Lafayette. After listening to the Harlow Giles Unger biography of him, we both had a crush on him. Why …
This post is from several unrelated spots around the Delmarva Peninsula over the last year, including one stop that has been too heartbreaking to look at. The Delmarva Peninsula is that dangle of land dropping …
In 1877 Thomas Edison successfully recorded a voice and played it back; he called his device a phonograph. 10 years later, Emil Berliner had upgraded to using discs instead of cylinders for better playback sound, but …
The last of the du Pont-related visits we made in Wilmington, Del., was also the most opulent – the Nemours Estate (the other visits were Hagley and Winterthur). This 200-acre “country estate” has a 77 …
Looking for a quiet place to walk-n-talk on the phone with my BFF Jenni, and then take Mr. K on a walk, I arrived at Rockford Park in Wilmington only to find a full-blown carnival …
The Dogfish Head Brewery was founded in 1995 by Sam Calagione, and quickly became known for its unique beers. The company has grown to include brewpubs and restaurants as well as a small hotel in …
Winterthur, pronounced “winter-tour” and named after an ancestral home in Winterthur, Switzerland, is one of the famous du Pont-related estates in Wilmington, Del., (we also toured Hagley and Nemours, and they are very different experiences). …
There’s a lot going on at the Hagley Museum, the site of the first-built of the trifecta of remaining du Pont estates in Wilmington, Del. (the others being Winterthur and Nemours, both of which we …